Legal Warning

Corporate Name: BONISOFT soluciones informáticas, SLNE unipersonal (New Single-Member Limited Liability Company)
Registered Office: Calle Sietecolores, 2, Rincón de la Victoria 29730 – Malaga, Spain (European Union)
TIN: B93247385
Telephone No.: (+34) 667 68 12 80
Fax: (+34) 951 93 74 12
Registered at: Malaga Companies Registry, Volume 4937, Book 6, Folio 61, Section 6, Sheet MA-196, Entry 2.
Domain names:,,,,,,

BONISOFT soluciones informáticas, SLNE unipersonal, hereinafter “BONISOFT”, is the owner of this website and places this document at the disposal of users to fulfil the obligations set forth in Act 34/2002 on Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce (LSSI-CE – Ley 34/2002, de Servicios de la Sociedad de la Información y del Comercio Electrónico), as well as to inform all users of the website’s terms and conditions of use.

Any person who accesses this website shall be deemed as a user and shall undertake to strictly observe and fulfil the provisions set forth herein, along with any other legal provision which may apply.

BONISOFT reserves the right to modify any kind of information that could appear on the website without the obligation of giving users any prior notice thereof or notifying users of such obligations. Posting said modifications on the BONISOFT website shall be deemed sufficient.

BONISOFT shall be held harmless from any liability arising from the information posted on its website, provided said information has been handled or entered by a third party not connected to the website.

The BONISOFT website may use cookies (small information files sent by the server to the computer of the person gaining access to the site) to carry out specific functions deemed essential to ensure the website runs and can be viewed properly. In any event, the cookies used by the website are temporary and their sole aim is to make the website’s subsequent transmission more efficient. These cookies disappear when the user session is finalised. Under no circumstances shall cookies be used to gather personal information.

The client may be redirected from the website to contents on third-party websites. Given that BONISOFT cannot always exercise control over the contents posted by third parties on their websites, it shall be held harmless from any liability regarding said contents. In any event, BONISOFT does hereby state that is shall proceed to withdraw any contents which may breach Spanish or international law, morals or public order and shall immediately delete the link redirecting the user to said website and inform the competent authorities of the contents in question.

BONISOFT shall not be held liable for any of the information and contents stored in, including but not limited to, forums, chats, blog generators, comments, social networks or any other media which allow third parties to post contents independently of the BONISOFT website. Nevertheless, pursuant to the provisions set forth in Articles 11 and 16 of the LSSI-CE, BONISOFT places itself at the disposal of users, authorities and security forces to actively collaborate in the withdrawal and, as appropriate, blocking of any contents that could affect or breach Spanish or international legislation, third-party rights, morals or public order. Should the user deem that there are any contents on the website that could be classified as such, the user is requested to immediately inform the webmaster thereof.

This website has been checked and tested to ensure it runs properly. In principle, it can be guaranteed to run properly 24 hours a day, 365 days of the year. Nonetheless, BONISOFT does not discard the possibility of there being certain programming errors or causes of force majeur, natural catastrophes, strikes or similar circumstances coming about that may make it impossible to gain access to the website.

BONISOFT is strongly committed to fulfilling Spanish data protection legislation and ensuring full compliance with the obligations laid down therein, as well as implementing the security measures set forth in Article 9 of Act 15/1999 on Personal Data Protection (LOPD – Ley 15/1999, de Protección de Datos de Carácter Personal) and in its implementing regulation.

BONISOFT places the company’s privacy policy at the users disposal regarding the following aspects:

  • Data controller’s data.
  • Data processed.
  • File where such data are stored.
  • Purpose of said processing.
  • Obligation, or lack thereof, of providing data, and consequences should they not be provided.
  • Rights all users are entitled to and procedure to exercise said rights.


The website and, including but not limited to, its programming, editing, compilation and other elements needed for it to run, designs, logos, texts and/or graphics are owned by BONISOFT or, where appropriate, BONISOFT is licenced or expressly authorised by their authors to use them. All of the website’s contents are duly protected by intellectual and industrial property legislation and are likewise registered at the appropriate public registries.

The total or partial reproduction, use, exploitation, distribution and marketing of the contents shall in all cases require BONISOFT’s express written authorisation regardless of the purpose to which they are destined. Any use not previously authorised by BONISOFT shall be deemed as a serious breach of the author’s intellectual or industrial property rights.

The designs, logos, text and/or graphics not owned by BONISOFT which may appear on the website belong to their respective owners, who shall be liable for any possible dispute that may arise regarding the same. In any case, BONISOFT has been granted said owners’ prior express authorisation.

BONISOFT does not expressly authorise third parties so that may directly redirect their users to the website’s contents. Hence, anybody wishing to establish a direct link to the website shall have to seek prior written authorisation by writing to

BONISOFT recognises the respective owners’ industrial and intellectual property rights. However, their mere mention or appearance on the website shall not entail the existence of any rights or liability pertaining to BONISOFT concerning the same, nor shall it be deemed as backing, sponsorship or a recommendation by BONISOFT.

In order to make any kind of observation regarding possible breaches of intellectual or intellectual property rights or any comments on the website’s contents, users can do so through the following e-mail address: